Wednesday, September 28, 2011

End of the Petition!

Attention Science Warriors:

The petition is coming to an end!

Yes. It is true. According to an anonymous, credible source on Capitol Hill, the Senate and House CJS subcommittees will be negotiating during the next 2-3 weeks on the final amount of funding for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) before including the final figure in a massive omnibus bill (includes all 12 appropriations bills) that will go before the House and Senate Floors. The critical time to influence decision-making on Capitol Hill is now. Our plan is to end the petition, print it, bind it, and deliver it to key members of Congress by mid-October. Please help us in our final push to get as many signatures as possible before the petition ends. The last day for the petition is OCTOBER 9 2011. Science Warriors, the time to do battle is nigh! Let's close this sweet chapter and let Congress know who works for who around here.

However, this is not the end. It is no where near the end. Our most effective coup-de-grace is now.

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